Welcome to my Website!


PINNED: Welcome to my Website! (Big changes are in store)

First and foremost, thank you for spending time on my silly little corner of the internet! As I am writing this (check bottom left corner), this is the best and most current version of the site. It's come a LONG LONG way! To the right, you will see a picture of what this site looked like before, and below it a picture of myself and my partner (I just wanted to share it).

This is my first ture foray into HTML and CSS, so any and all tips are greatly appreciated. You can send them to my discord: ringoorigo. Despite this, I do have experience in other programming languages, such as C++, Java, Python, and Kotlin! I used to develop Android apps in my spare time, but now I mostly work on school-related assignments and this website!

16.11.2023, 21:26

A big day for Autism

Today was a big day for my hyperfixations. Not only did a new Persona 5 game come out (Persona 5 Tactica), but also Muse remastered my favourite album (Absolution) for its 20th anniversary. Fortunately, P5T is a fantastic game! Unfortunately, Absolution XX Anniversary Edition leaves much to be desired.

Absolution's remaster can barely be called such, as several of the tracks are the exact same as they were in the original 2003 release. Spotify even carried over their play counts, displaying that songs released only 20 hours ago have millions of plays already. To top it all off, the tracks that were actually remastered were barely remastered, only typically making it louder overall and adding a bit more "punch" to the bass. It's nothing that I haven't been able to achieve with a different EQ setting. The demos released, though, they're another story entirely. Hysteria (2002 Demo) has quickly become one of my favourite musical pieces ever released, so at least something good came out of that massive disappointment. I still wish that this was more like Origin of Symmetry XX Anniversary RemiXX, though.

As for Persona 5 Tactica, the game is fantastic! It's surprisngly more fun that I was anticipating originally. While the combat lacks the depth of something like Fire Emblem or XCOM, it's still really fun and super rewarding to those who understand its intricacies. One-More! chaining is honestly some of the most fun I've ever had in a video game, letting you just stomp an entire legion of enemies into the ground with a single unit. I'm not far into the game, so I'll probably have another post about it eventually, but right now, as of the tenth mission, the game has a solid 5 stars from me.

17.11.2023, 19:52

History Unfolds Before Your Very Eyes

This text is history, the very first post on this page!

As of writing this, I finished the framework for text-based posts approximately... ten minutes ago. I'm quite proud of this, though, and I'm proud of the way posts stack on top of each other, so I'm leaving the dummy post below this in-tact for a while. (EDIT: It's gone now lol)

You may notice the placeholder text to the side! For the many of you who do not know, I am a photographer. To the right is where I will post images to this site in a similar fashion to text! I'm thinking of having a short caption below each image with an identical date signature, but the signature is when the photo was taken, rather than posted.

16.11.2023, 14:30
EDITED: 17.11.2023, 18:24

This Website's *OLD* Appearence

An image of this website's old look. It was quite crude.

Previously, this website had a single background, which had to change because it wouldn't repeat well... I did like it, though. Just about the only thing that remains is the side and top bars, which will definitely be changing soon.

16.11.2023, 21:24

My Favourite Image

A picture of me and my partner.

My partner took this of us while I was brushing my hair. It has quickly become my favourite image ever. It's blurry and low quality, but I think that's what gives it its charm.

16.11.2023, 17:15
16.11.2023, 21:25